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Catherine Backus, MT-BC
Nov 29, 20214 min read
3 Ways to Prevent Holiday Meltdowns
This time of year can be oh so stressful! Here are 3 easy ways to help both you and your child prevent holiday meltdowns!

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Jan 5, 20192 min read
What Goes on Inside a Music Therapist's Head?
Have you ever noticed how two people can observe the same scenario and see two completely different things??? Imagine this scene... ...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
Aug 8, 20185 min read
FAQ Series: What do you actually do?!
Being a music therapist means constantly being asked... “What is music therapy?" "What do you actually DO?” That’s kind of like asking...

Noel Anderson, MMT, MT-BC
May 29, 20187 min read
What It's Like Having a Child with Special Needs: Part 1
A month or so ago I asked parents on Facebook if they would like to share their story of raising a child with special needs. I had...

Catherine Backus, MT-BC
Mar 5, 20184 min read
Why Live Music is More Powerful than Recorded Music
We live in a world where pretty much any song you could ever think of is available at the click of a button. As a songwriter, I have my...

Catherine Backus, MT-BC
Jan 6, 20183 min read
3 Ways to Improve Your Child's Executive Function
When I hear the phrase “ Executive Functioning ,” my mind conjures an image of a tiny businesswoman at the helm of my brain, giving...
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