Have you ever wondered what songs music therapists often use during the wintertime?
Today you'll learn several songs that my team and I use regularly to make the winter season extra festive! These songs can be used for many different goals including those related to communication, following directions, executive functioning skills, or social skills like taking turns.
A lot of important functional skills are used during songwriting!
Using themes during the different seasons of the year is not only fun, but it also makes session planning easier.

Popular Songs For Songwriting

Using these five songs as a framework for songwriting, allows clients to share their favorite things about winter or various events that happen during winter.
It's like a musical madlib!
Not only are they great to use for all ages, but also can be used in groups or 1:1 sessions.
"Winter Wonderland" Lyric Re-write
________________________ with ________________
(favorite thing/event) (person's name)
________________________ with ________________
(favorite thing/event) (person's name)
________________________ with ________________
(favorite thing/event) (person's name)
Oh walking in a winter wonderland!
"Ticket to Ride" by The Beatles Lyric Re-write

(This one is great to use during any of the four
seasons. The words can be changed to fit each season.)
Here is an example that could be used for winter:
I think it’s going to be winter, I think it’s today.
The snowflakes are falling down and not
going away.
________ wants to ___________________
(Name) (experience/winter hobby/event)
_______ wants to ____________________
(Name) (experience/winter hobby/event)
_______ wants to ____________________ and ___________________________
(Name) (experience/winter hobby/event) (who or hat will you see there)

"Bread and Butter" by The Newbeats Lyrics Rewrite
_____ likes___________________________________
(Name) (experience/winter hobby/event)
_____ likes___________________________________
(Name) (experience/winter hobby/event)
_____ likes___________________________________
(Name) (experience/winter hobby/event)
Oh it’s wintertime! (or Oh it’s Christmas time!) Oh yeah!
"12 Days of Christmas" Lyrics Rewrite
This song is super fun to rewrite, as it can be kept serious like the original or it can be made funny. I’ve used this with both adults and kids and both age groups seem to have a good time rewriting the words.
For example:
"On the first day of Christmas my best friend gave to me..a mug that says ‘Don’t Talk to Me Before Coffee!’

"My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music
This song gives clients the opportunity to list various items they want for Christmas. I have used this with both adults and kids by changing the last line to “These are the things on my Christmas list” and it usually ends up being a great conversation.
For example:
"Smartphones with features and laptops with power,
Gift cards for shopping to use by the hour,
Soft cozy blankets that I can't resist,
These are the things on my Christmas list!"
Best Songs for Sensory Input

"It Is Snowing"
(To the tune of "Are You Sleeping")
You can use fake snowflakes and change the lyrics to allow your kids to practice identifying body parts.
For example, you can sing:
“It is snowing, it is snowing, on my knee, on my knee, it is snowing, it is snowing, on my knee, on my knee”.
Then, you can change the body part and put the fake snowflakes on the associated body part (head, hand, shoulder, foot, etc…). Allow them to make choices of where the snowflake will go next to support communication and executive functioning skills.

Dance Around The Snowman
(To the tune of "Mulberry Bush")
This is a great song to get kids moving their bodies to get proprioceptive input.
And you can always make up your own verses!
"This is the way we dance around, dance around, dance around.
This is the way we dance around our snowman in the morning."
Other ideas:
*skip around
*twirl around
*crawl around
*hop around
*spin around
*gallop around
*tip toe around
Top Songs for Reminiscing: Music that Sparks Memories

by Ruth Etting
This song can be used with older adults to spark conversations about past memories during the wintertime.
After singing the song together, some questions to ask are, “What did your mom used to tell at you in the winter?”, “What did you have to wear when it was cold out?”, or “What did your mom make you do when you were sick?”, etc…
by Stevie Wonder
This song can be used to engage in conversation about various family Christmas traditions. Every time I use this song with clients, I always enjoy learning about their family traditions and how special those moments are to them.
There are an enormous number of songs that are related to winter and the holiday season and I couldn’t possibly mention them all. I would love to know; what winter or holiday songs are a staple in your family?
Happy Singing!
Cassie Smith, MT-BC
Board Certified Music Therapist
Neurologic Music Therapist

Cassie is a Music Therapist at Anderson Music Therapy Services. To learn more about our Music Therapist head to our "About" Tab.
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